# String object

  • The String object is used to represent and manipulate a sequence of characters
  • As already mentioned in the syntax rules, you can write strings with:
    • single quotes: 'string with single quotes' (recommended in our course)
    • double quotes : "string with double quotes"
    • back ticks or template literals: `string with back ticks`


  • Strings can be created as primitives (default) or as objects with the new String() constructor:
const string1 = 'A string primitive';
console.log('typeof string1:', typeof string1); // result: typeof string1: string

const string2 = new String('A String object');
console.log('typeof string2:', typeof string2); // result: typeof string2: object
  • This also applies to numbers (new Number()) and booleans (new Boolean())
  • Internally, JavaScript automatically converts between (string) primitives and (String) objects, which means we can use the (String) object properties and methods on a (string) primitive as well

# Template literals

  • Template literals
    • use back ticks (` `) rather than single or double quotes
    • can hold a variable/expression enclosed within them
  • With "normal" strings, you have to concatenate strings and variables/expressions with the + sign
  • With template literals you can embed variables/expressions inside the back ticks with ${} (which makes your code more readable)
  • Line 5 and line 8 give exactly the same result (5 + 7 = 12)



const a = 5;
const b = 7;

// without template literals
console.log(a + ' + ' + b + ' = ' + (a + b));

// with template literals
console.log(`${a} + ${b} = ${a + b}`);

# Frequently used properties

property description
length (opens new window) the length of a string

# Frequently used methods

method description
charAt(<n>) (opens new window) returns the character at position <n>
indexOf(<str>) (opens new window) returns the position of the first occurrence of <str>
returns -1 if not found
lastIndexOf(<str>) (opens new window) returns the position of the last occurrence of <str>
returns -1 if not found
startsWith(<str>) (opens new window) returns true if the string begins with <str>, and false if not
endsWith(<str>) (opens new window) returns true if the string ends with <str>, and false if not
includes(<str>) (opens new window) returns true if the string contains <str>, and false if not
concat(<str1>, [<str2>]) (opens new window)* concatenates two (or more) strings
replace(<pattern>, <str>) (opens new window)* replaces some or all matches of a <pattern> (string or regex) with <str>
toLowerCase() (opens new window)* converts a string to lowercase letters
toUpperCase() (opens new window)* converts a string to uppercase letters
trim() (opens new window)* removes whitespace from both ends (start and end) of a string
match(<regex>) (opens new window) returns an array of strings matching the <regex> or null is there is no match
split(<pattern>) (opens new window) splits a string into an array of substrings, based on the <pattern> (string or regex)

* These methods return a new string and do not affect the value of the string on which the method is called

# Examples

# Form validation

  • Open es6/strings/formValidation.html and es6/strings/formValidation.js
  • Every HTML5 form has some basic, built-in validation rules (like required, minlength, use of a specific type attribute, ...) but they are very limited (and don't look very professional)
  • In this example we only use input fields of type="text" without HTML validation attributes
  • We will handle the whole validation with JavaScript
    • The form will only be submitted when the validation rules are fulfilled
      • Name is required and at least 3 characters long
      • Email is required and must follow a certain regex-pattern

# Replace words

  • Open es6/strings/replaceWords.html and es6/strings/replaceWords.js
  • Replace the word Python with JavaScript and the word programming with scripting
  • By default, only the first occurrence of a word is replaced, in a case sensitive manner
  • Use a regex to replace:
    • only the first occurrence of <word> (=default) but case insensitive: /<word>/i
    • globally (all occurrences of <word>) and case sensitive (=default): /<word>/g
    • globally (all occurrences of <word>) and case insensitive: /<word>/gi

# Exercises

  • Open exercises/index.html and make the exercises under the tab ES6 > String object
Last Updated: 4/19/2021, 9:03:47 AM