# CSS selectors

  • At this point, we only know the basic CSS selectors
    • Simple selectors, based on (element) name, id and class
    p {
        text-align: center;
        color: red;
    h1, h2 {
        text-transform: uppercase;
    #container {
        max-width: 600px;
        margin: auto;
    .underline {
        text-decoration: underline;   
    • Descendant selector (space), e.g. all paragraphs within an article element
    article p {
        line-height: 1.5;
  • There are a lot more powerful selectors available for us

# Combinator selectors

  • Select elements based on a specific relationship between them (using space, >, +, ~)


selector description
div p descendant selector: selects all p elements inside div elements
div > p child selector: selects all p elements that are the children of a div element
div + p adjacent sibling selector: selects every p element that is placed immediately after a div element (same level)
div ~ p general sibling selector: selects every p element that is preceded by a div element (same level)

# Pseudo-class selectors

  • Select elements based on a certain state (:state)
selector description
a:hover selects the a element that is hovered over
input:focus selects the input element that has focus
input:valid selects every input element that has a valid value
input:invalid selects every input element that has an invalid value
p:first-child selects every p element that is the first child of its parent
p:first-of-type selects every p element that is the first p element of its parent
p:nth-child(2) selects every p element that is the second child of its parent
p:nth-of-type(2) selects every p element that is the second p element of its parent
... ...

# Pseudo-element selectors

  • Select and style a part of an element
selector description
p::first-letter selects the first letter of each p element
p::first-line selects the first line of each p element
p::selection selects the portion of the p element that is selected by a user
p::after insert something after the content of each p element
p::before insert something before the content of each p element
... ...

# Attribute selectors

  • Select elements based on an attribute or attribute value
selector description
label[for] selects all label elements with the for attribute
input[type="submit"] selects all input elements where the type attribute equals submit
a[href^="https"] selects every a element whose href attribute value begins with https
a[href$=".pdf"] selects every a element whose href attribute value ends with .pdf
[id*="test"] selects every element whose id attribute value contains the substring test
... ...

REMARK: JavaScript/jQuery

  • We discussed these selectors in the context of selecting elements and styling them using CSS
  • These selectors can also be used to select elements in JavaScript to make our website more dynamic
    • The better your knowledge about selectors, the better you can select the elements you want and the less code you have to write
    • More about this on the ES6 and jQuery pages!

# Learn on the go

  • You can play around with selectors in our dynamic example (opens new window)
    • Write a selector in the 'selector' input field and see the result immediately!
    • JavaScript is used to select the elements and give them the CSS class outline, which results in the yellow background and red border

dynamic example

Last Updated: 2/15/2021, 9:45:12 PM