# Forms

  • We use forms to make our websites more interactive as we allow visitors to enter and send data to us
    • The content of the form is built with HTML5
    • The styling is achieved with CSS3
tag description
<form> HTML form for user input
<input> element that accepts input from user
<label> defines a label for form elements
<textarea> defines a multi-line input field
<select> defines a (drop-down) list
<optgroup> defines a group of related options in a (drop-down) list
<option> defines an option in a (drop-down) list
<fieldset> groups related elements in a form
<legend> defines a caption for a fieldset element
<button> defines a clickable button

# A sample form (unstyled)

<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name<sup>*</sup></label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus required>
        <label for="password">Password</label>
        <input type="password" id="password" size="15" maxlength="20" name="password" value="test">
        <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="-1">
        <label for="url">Website</label>
        <input type="url" id="url" name="url" placeholder="your website url">
        <label for="zip">Zip code</label>
        <input type="text" id="zip" name="zip" pattern="[0-9]{4}">
        <label for="email">Email<sup>*</sup></label>
        <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required>
        <label for="range">jQuery knowledge</label>
        <input type="range" id="range" name="range" min="0" max="100" step="5" value="10">
        <label for="age">Current age</label>
        <input type="number" id="age" name="age" min="17" max="100" step="1" value="18">
        <label for="query">Popular search term</label>
        <input type="search" id="query" name="query">
        <label for="tel">Tel</label>
        <input type="tel" id="tel" name="tel">
        <label for="tel2">Tel 2<sup>*</sup></label>
        <input type="tel" id="tel2" name="tel2" pattern="0(\d{2,3}\/\d{6}|\d\/\d{7})" required>
        <input type="checkbox" id="car" name="mobility1" value="car">
        <label for="car"> I own a car </label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="bike" name="mobility2" value="bike" checked>
        <label for="bike"> I own a bike </label>
        <input type="radio" id="drivinglicense" name="driving" value="yes">
        <label for="drivinglicense">I have a driving license</label>
        <input type="radio" id="nodrivinglicense" name="driving" value="no" checked>
        <label for="nodrivinglicense">I don't have a driving license</label>
        <label for="remarks">Remarks:</label>
        <textarea rows="5" cols="25" id="remarks" name="remarks"></textarea>
        <label for="city">City: </label>
        <select id="city" name="city" size="3">
            <option value="G">Geel</option>
            <option value="T">Turnhout</option>
            <option value="H">Herentals</option>
            <option value="M" selected>Mol</option>
        <label for="activity">Choose an activity: </label>
        <select id="activity" size="8" name="activity">
            <optgroup label="Indoor">
                <option value="snk">Snooker</option>
                <option value="drts">Darts</option>
            <optgroup label="Outdoor">
                <option value="tennis" selected>Tennis</option>
                <option value="soccer">Soccer</option>
                <option value="geoc">Geocaching</option>
        <legend>Native Belgian</legend>
            <input type="radio" id="yes" name="native" value="yes">
            <label for="yes">Yes</label>
            <input type="radio" id="no" name="native" value="no" checked>
            <label for="no">No</label>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">
        <input type="reset" value="Reset">
        <button>Simple button</button>


# The <form> tag

  • The tags <form> and </form> define the beginning and the end of a form
  • Block level element
    • Can contain other block level elements, like paragraphs, div's, ...
attribute required/optional description
action required specifies where to send the form data when a form is submitted
method optional specifies the HTTP method to use when sending form data (get = default or post)
novalidate optional specifies that the form should not be validated when submitted

# GET method

  • Form data is added to the URL when the form is submitted
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="get">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus>
        <label for="password">Password</label>
        <input type="password" id="password" size="15" maxlength="20" name="password" value="test">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">

  • Open both the Codepen above and the developer tools ('Network' tab)
  • Fill in the 'Name' and 'Password' fields and submit the form (by clicking the 'Send' button)
  • Notice that the form is sent to https://it-fact.be/form.php?name=Micha%C3%ABl&password=thomasmore:

get form url


  • The entered values are added to the URL as key/value pairs, in which the key corresponds to the name attribute of the form element:
    key = name attribute of form element value
    name Michaël
    password thomasmore
  • Special characters are URL-encoded (opens new window): %C3%AB is the UTF-8 form of ë
  • form.php is a PHP file which can read and display all the incoming values
    • $_GET (and $_POST) are PHP super global variables used to collect form data. They can be looped to display all key/value pairs.





<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com?plugins=typography"></script>
<body class="prose p-8 bg-gray-100">
<?php if($_GET) { ?>
<div class="bg-white border rounded-lg shadow-lg mb-6 p-4">
    <h1 class="text-2xl">Form values (GET)</h1>
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
            $value = is_array($value) ? implode(", ",$value) : $value;
            echo "<li>'$key' : '$value'</li>\n";
<?php  } elseif ($_POST) { ?>
<div class="bg-white border rounded-lg shadow-lg mb-6 p-4">
    <h1 class="text-2xl">Form values (POST)</h1>
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            $value = is_array($value) ? implode(", ",$value) : $value;
            echo "<li>'$key' : '$value'</li>\n";
<?php } ?>
    <button id="backbutton" class="uppercase rounded px-2 rounded-lg shadow-lg
        border border-green-600 bg-green-500 text-green-100 font-semibold
        hover:bg-green-200 hover:text-green-600 transition">
        Go Back
    document.getElementById("backbutton").addEventListener("click", () => {


You should be able to understand/duplicate the PHP code above, but you don't have to be able to write such PHP code yourself (yet), as this will be the topic of the course Web Applications in PHP (2ITF)

REMARK: When to use GET?

  • A HTTP GET request is used to request data from a specified resource - As such, the example above (to register yourself at a website using a GET request) is just for illustration purposes and should not be duplicated due to the security risk involved: the GET method adds the password in plain text to the URL (although it might seem secure because the input is masked with dots)

# POST method

  • Form data is added to the body of the request when the form is submitted
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus>
        <label for="password">Password</label>
        <input type="password" id="password" size="15" maxlength="20" name="password" value="test">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">

  • Open both the Codepen above and the developer tools ('Network' tab)
  • Fill in the 'Name' and 'Password' fields and submit the form
  • Notice that the form is sent to https://it-fact.be/form.php without the entered values in the URL but with these values in the body of the HTTP request:

post form

REMARK: When to use POST?

  • A HTTP POST request is used to send data to a server to create a resource (in this case a new user at a website) - Yet, there is still a security risk involved in the example above as the password is stored in plain text (in the body of the request)

REMARK: Other common methods?

There are some other methods that can be used to communicate with the server.

  • PUT: A HTTP PUT request is used to replace the target resource, in other words, to do a complete update of an object.
  • PATCH: A HTTP PATCH request is used to partially modify the target resource, to update only a part of an object.
  • DELETE: A HTTP DELETE request is used to delete a resource, as the name implies. These methods will not be used in this course but are usefull once you start building full web application. It is important to use the right method for your request.

# The <input> tag

  • The <input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data
  • Empty tag (without an extra closing tag)
attribute required/optional description
type optional specifies the type of input element to display (text = default, password, hidden, url, email, range, number, search, tel, checkbox, radio, ... )
id optional specifies the id of the element (styling, hyperlinks, accessibility, scripting). Should be unique on the page!
name optional is used to reference form data after a form is submitted (key/value pair)
value optional specifies the value of the input element
placeholder optional specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input element

# <input type="text">

  • Defines a single-line text input field
attribute required/optional description
size optional specifies the width, in characters, of an input element (default = 20)
pattern optional specifies a regular expression that the input element's value is checked against on form submission
  • By default no validation
  • Add validation by specifying a regular expression (regex) in the pattern attribute
    • A regex is a sequence of characters that define a pattern
    • In our example, pattern="[0-9]{4}" only allows Belgian postal codes consisting of 4 digits between 0 and 9
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus>
            <label for="zip">Zip code</label>
            <input type="text" id="zip" name="zip" pattern="[0-9]{4}">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">



  • For accessibility reasons, always link the input field with a label element, such that clicking the label sets the focus on the input field
    • A label can be linked to any form element
    • The link between the input element and the label is established by making the id of the input element equal to for attribute on the label


        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" />
    • Alternative solution: nest the input field in the label element


            <input type="text" id="name" name="name" />

TIP: autofocus

  • The autofocus attribute is used to place the cursor directly in the input field - Only use this attribute 1 time per page!

# <input type="password">

  • Defines a password field (characters are masked)
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="password">Password</label>
        <input type="password" id="password" size="15" name="password" value="test">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="hidden">

  • Defines a hidden input field
    • Used to pass info the user doesn't have to fill in
    • Commonly used to store and pass primary key values
  • In our example below, the value -1 is passed to the server, linked to the name userid
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="-1">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="url">

  • Defines a field for entering a URL
  • The input value is automatically validated before the form can be submitted
    • Validation format: urlscheme://restofurl
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="url">Website</label>
        <input type="url" id="url" name="url" placeholder="your website url">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="email">

  • Defines a field for an e-mail address
  • The input value is automatically validated to ensure it is a properly formatted e-mail address
    • Validation format: at least 1 character + @ + at least 1 character
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="email">Email</label>
        <input type="email" id="email" name="email">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="range">

  • Defines a field for entering a number whose exact value is not/less important (like a slider control)
attribute required/optional description
min optional specifies the minimum value allowed (default = 0)
max optional specifies the maximum value allowed (default = 100)
step optional specifies the step size (default = 1)
value optional specifies the default value
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="range">jQuery knowledge</label>
        <input type="range" id="range" name="range" min="0" max="100" step="5" value="10">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">



  • A slider is useless if you can't see which value you have selected
  • Use the output element in combination with an oninput attribute on the slider to show the selected value


        type="range" id="range" name="range" 
        min="0" max="5" step=".1" value="2.5" 
        oninput="selected.value =  range.value" 
    <output id="selected">2.5</output>
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="range">jQuery knowledge</label>
        <input type="range" id="range" name="range" min="0" max="5" step=".1" value="2.5" oninput="selected.value = 
        <output id="selected">2.5</output>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="number">

  • Defines a field for entering a number
attribute required/optional description
min optional specifies the minimum value allowed
max optional specifies the maximum value allowed
step optional specifies the step size
value optional specifies the default value
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="age">Current age</label>
        <input type="number" id="age" name="age" min="17" max="100" step="1" value="18">    
        <input type="submit" value="Send">

  • Defines a search field (like a site search, or Google search)
  • Such search fields are functionally identical to text inputs, but may be styled differently (by the user agent/browser style sheet)
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
       <label for="query">Popular search term</label>
       <input type="search" id="query" name="query">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="tel">

  • Defines a field for entering a telephone number
  • By default no validation
  • In our example, we use pattern="0(\d{2,3}\/\d{6}|\d\/\d{7})" to allow only Belgian landline (02/1234567, 014/123456, ...) and mobile (0475/123456, ...) phone numbers
    • \d represents a number between 0 and 9
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="tel">Tel</label>
        <input type="tel" id="tel" name="tel" pattern="0(\d{2,3}\/\d{6}|\d\/\d{7})">
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="checkbox">

  • Defines a checkbox
    • Lets the user select one or more options out of a limited number of choices
attribute required/optional description
value optional specifies the value of the value attribute of a checkbox. The value is not shown to the user, but is sent to the server when the form is submitted (and the checkbox is checked/ticked).
checked optional if set, the checkbox will be checked
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <input type="checkbox" id="car" name="mobility1" value="car">
        <label for="car"> I own a car </label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="bike" name="mobility2" value="bike" checked>
        <label for="bike"> I own a bike </label>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="radio">

  • Defines a radio button
    • Radio buttons are normally presented in radio groups (a collection of radio buttons describing a set of related options) that share the same name (name="driving" in the example)
    • Only one radio button in a group can be selected at the same time
    • You can have multiple radio groups on a page, as long as each group has its own name
attribute required/optional description
value optional specifies the value of the value attribute of a radio button. The value is not shown to the user, but is sent to the server when the form is submitted (and the radio button is selected/ticked).
checked optional if set, the radio button will be selected
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <input type="radio" id="drivinglicense" name="driving" value="yes">
        <label for="drivinglicense">I have a driving license</label>
        <input type="radio" id="nodrivinglicense" name="driving" value="no" checked>
        <label for="nodrivinglicense">I don't have a driving license</label>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <input type="submit">

  • Defines a submit button which submits all form values to a form handler (in this case our PHP page specified in the action attribute)
attribute required/optional description
value optional specifies the text that is displayed on the button
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


REMARK: <button type="submit">

  • If you prefer to work with real button elements (e.g. for styling purposes) you can add type="submit" to a button
  • Such a button will have the same behavior as <input type="submit">
<button type="submit">Send</button>

WARNING: default button submits the form

  • A button without the type attribute will submit the form when clicked
  • Specify the type="button" if you want to remove this default behavior
    • Later on you will probably use JavaScript to listen to the click event of this button and perform an action
<!-- This button will submit the form (when inside form tags) -->
<button>Default button = submit</button>

<!-- This button will do nothing -->
<button type="button">Button with type button</button>

# <input type="reset">

  • Defines a reset button which resets all form values to its initial values
attribute required/optional description
value optional specifies the text that is displayed on the button
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">
        <input type="reset" value="Reset">


REMARK: <button type="reset">

  • If you prefer to work with real button elements (e.g. for styling purposes) you can add type="reset" to a button
  • Such a button will have the same behavior as <input type="reset">
<button type="reset">Reset</button>

# <input type="button">

  • Defines a clickable button (mostly used with JavaScript)
  • Doesn't submit the form, unless you code the form submission in the registered click event
    <input type="button" id="formbutton" value="Click me!">
    const btn = document.getElementById("formbutton")
    btn.addEventListener("click", function(){ 
        alert("You clicked me!"); 


# Other form elements

# <textarea></textarea>

  • Defines a multi-line text input field
    • Often used to collect user inputs like comments or reviews
attribute required/optional description
rows optional specifies the visible number of lines in a textarea
cols optional specifies the visible width of a textarea
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="remarks">Remarks:</label>
        <textarea rows="5" cols="25" id="remarks" name="remarks"></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <select></select>

  • Creates a (drop-down) list
attribute required/optional description
size optional defines the number of visible options in a (drop-down) list (default = 1 results in a dropdown list)

# <option></option>

  • The <option> tags inside the select element define the available options in the (drop-down) list
attribute required/optional description
value optional specifies the value to be sent to the server (by default, the text of the <option> tag is sent)
selected optional specifies that an option should be pre-selected when the page loads

# <optgroup></optgroup>

  • Groups related options in a select element
    • If you have a long list of options, groups of related options are easier to handle for a user
attribute required/optional description
label required specifies the name of the group of options
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <label for="city">City: </label>
        <select id="city" name="city" size="3">
            <option value="G">Geel</option>
            <option value="T">Turnhout</option>
            <option value="H">Herentals</option>
            <option value="M" selected>Mol</option>
        <label for="activity">Choose an activity: </label>
        <select id="activity" size="8" name="activity">
            <optgroup label="Indoor">
                <option value="snk">Snooker</option>
                <option value="drts">Darts</option>
            <optgroup label="Outdoor">
                <option value="tennis" selected>Tennis</option>
                <option value="soccer">Soccer</option>
                <option value="geoc">Geocaching</option>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# <fieldset></fieldset>

  • Groups related elements in a form
    • Draws a box around the related elements
  • Block level element
  • The <legend> tag is used to define a caption for the fieldset element
<form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
        <legend>Native Belgian</legend>
            <input type="radio" id="yes" name="native" value="yes">
            <label for="yes">Yes</label>
            <input type="radio" id="no" name="native" value="no" checked>
            <label for="no">No</label>
        <input type="submit" value="Send">


# Form validation

  • We can validate most user data without relying on JavaScript
  • This is achieved by using validation attributes on form elements
validation attribute description
required specifies whether a form field needs to be filled in before the form can be submitted
minlength specifies the minimum length of textual data (strings)
maxlength specifies the maximum length of textual data (strings)
min specifies the minimum value of numerical input types
max specifies the maximum value of numerical input types
pattern specifies a regular expression that defines a pattern the entered data needs to follow
  • Pseudo-classes :valid and :invalid are applied when a form element valid is valid or not
    • You can use these classes to style your elements based on their validation state

IMPORTANT: Client-side AND server-side validation

  • The validation through these attributes always happens in the browser (client-side)
  • It's easy to remove these attributes (using the developer tools) and still submit the form
  • Be sure that later on you always apply server-side validation (e.g. in your PHP code) as well!

TIP: novalidate

  • If you want to quickly test if a form value is sent correctly you can add the novalidate attribute on the form element - This will disable all form validations (required, min, max, ...) when submitting the form - Make sure to remove this attribute when you're done testing!

# The sample form styled

<section id="form">
    <form action="https://it-fact.be/form.php" method="post">
            <label for="name">Name<sup>*</sup></label>
            <input id="name" size="40" maxlength="20" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" autofocus required>
            <label for="password">Password</label>
            <input type="password" id="password" size="15" maxlength="20" name="paswoord" value="test">
            <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="-1">
            <label for="url">Website</label>
            <input type="url" id="url" name="url" placeholder="your website url">
            <label for="zip">Zip code</label>
            <input type="text" id="zip" name="zip" pattern="[0-9]{4}">
            <label for="email">Email<sup>*</sup></label>
            <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required>
            <label for="range">jQuery knowledge
                 (<output id="jquery">10</output>%)
            <input type="range" id="range" name="range" min="0" max="100" step="5" value="10"
                oninput="jquery.value = range.value">
            <label for="age">Current age</label>
            <input type="number" id="age" name="age" min="17" max="100" step="1" value="18">
            <label for="query">Popular search term</label>
            <label for="tel">Tel</label>
            <input type="tel" id="tel" name="tel">
            <label for="tel2">Tel 2<sup>*</sup></label>
            <input type="tel" id="tel2" name="tel2" pattern="0(\d{2,3}\/\d{6}|\d\/\d{7})" required>
        <p class="sameline">
            <input type="checkbox" id="car" name="mobility1" value="car">
            <label for="car"> I own a car</label>
        <p class="sameline">
            <input type="checkbox" id="bike" name="mobility2" value="bike" checked>
            <label for="bike"> I own a bike </label>
        <p class="sameline">
            <input type="radio" id="drivinglicense" name="driving" value="ja">
            <label for="drivinglicense">I have a driving license</label>
        <p class="sameline">
            <input type="radio" id="nodrivinglicense" name="driving" value="neen" checked>
            <label for="nodrivinglicense">I don't have a driving license</label>
            <label for="remarks">Remarks:</label>
            <textarea rows="5" cols="25" id="remarks" name="remarks"></textarea>
            <label for="city">City: </label>
            <select id="city" name="city" size="3">
                <option value="G">Geel</option>
                <option value="T">Turnhout</option>
                <option value="H">Herentals</option>
                <option value="M" selected>Mol</option>
            <label for="activity">Choose an activity: </label>
            <select id="activity" size="8" name="activity">
                <optgroup label="Indoor">
                    <option value="snk">Snooker</option>
                    <option value="drts">Darts</option>
                <optgroup label="Outdoor">
                    <option value="tennis" selected>Tennis</option>
                    <option value="soccer">Soccer</option>
                    <option value="geoc">Geocaching</option>
            <legend>Native Belgian</legend>
            <p class="sameline">
                <input type="radio" id="yes" name="native" value="yes">
                <label for="yes">Yes</label>
            <p class="sameline">
                <input type="radio" id="no" name="native" value="no" checked>
                <label for="no">No</label>
        <div class="sameline">
                <input type="submit" value="Send">
                <input type="reset" value="Reset">

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;
html { font-size: 16px; }
body { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; }
h1 { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; }
#form { max-width: 700px; margin: auto; padding: 0.5rem; }
label { display: block; margin-bottom: .5rem; }
input, textarea { display: block; padding: .375rem .75rem; border: 1px solid #ced4da; border-radius: .25rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; width: 100%; }
select, textarea, fieldset { margin-bottom: 1rem; }
input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px lightskyblue; }
input[type="range"] { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }
input[type="range"]:focus { box-shadow: none }
input:invalid { border-color: #dc3545; background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 12 12' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right calc(.375em + .1875rem) center; background-size: calc(.75em + .375rem) calc(.75em + .375rem); }
input:valid { border-color: #198754; background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23198754' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right calc(.375em + .1875rem) center; background-size: calc(.75em + .375rem) calc(.75em + .375rem); }
input[type="date"], input[type="number"], input[type="submit"], input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] { width: auto; margin-right: .35rem; background: none; }
input[type="submit"] { color: #fff; background-color: #0d6efd; border-color: #0d6efd; padding: .375rem .75rem; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1rem; margin-top: 2rem; }
input[type="submit"]:hover { background-color: darkblue; }
input[type="reset"] { color: #fff; background-color: orange; border-color: orange; padding: .375rem .75rem; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1rem; margin-top: 2rem; }
input[type="reset"]:hover { background-color: red; }
.sameline { display: flex; }
fieldset { padding: .75rem; }
  • 'Roboto' font (Google Fonts)
  • Basic styling for inputs
    • Padding & margin
    • Rounded border
    • 100% width
  • All labels and inputs are displayed as block level elements
    • Except for the checkboxes and radiobuttons: class sameline => display: flex
  • Extra styling for :valid, :invalid and :focus pseudo-classes
  • Different styling for submit and reset input (button) using attribute selectors
  • ...
Last Updated: 2/9/2023, 11:15:20 AM