cancels an action that was established with setInterval()
The window prefix is optional and can be left out
setTimeout() is often used in examples to simulate a delay in the retrieval of external data
To use clearInterval(), you have to bind setInterval() to a variable first
let timer =setInterval(function(){// execute this code every 3 seconds},3000);
document.getElementById('cancelTimer').addEventListener('click',function(e){clearInterval(timer);// cancel the timer});
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
setInterval() starts for the first time after <delay> ms
Use an external callback function to start the function immediately and then repeatedly after x ms
functioncb(){// execute this code immediately and then every 3 seconds}cb();// start cb() immediatelysetInterval(cb,3000);// run cb() every 3 seconds
line#hour rotates 30 degrees per hour + 0.5 degrees per minute
Rotating SVG shapes differs from the CSS transform: rotate() method
An SVG rotation is defined as an attribute of the elements (line, rect, ...) within the <svg> tag: <line ... transform="rotate(angle, x-rotationPoint, y-rotationPoint)">
Besides the angle, also the rotation point can be specified
<linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"/><style>#digitalTime{font-family:'Iceland', cursive;font-size: 2rem;font-weight: bold;}</style></head><body>
<svgwidth="300"height="300"xmlns=""><circlecx="150"cy="150"r="146"fill="#a5d8d4"stroke="#528393"stroke-width="4"/><circlecx="150"cy="20"r="4"fill="#528393"/><circlecx="20"cy="150"r="4"fill="#528393"/><circlecx="150"cy="280"r="4"fill="#528393"/><circlecx="280"cy="150"r="4"fill="#528393"/><!-- digital clock --><textid="digitalTime"x="50%"y="30%"text-anchor="middle"fill="brown">00:00:00</text><!-- analog clock --><lineid="hour"x1="150"y1="60"x2="150"y2="170"stroke="brown"stroke-width="9"/><lineid="min"x1="150"y1="20"x2="150"y2="180"stroke="brown"stroke-width="7"/><lineid="sec"x1="150"y1="20"x2="150"y2="190"stroke="black"/><circlecx="150"cy="150"r="8"fill="brown"/></svg>
functionclock(){// make new Date-object containing the current date/timeconst now =newDate();// DIGITAL clock// select the (text) element for the digital clock and give it the correct content // now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB') converts now to HH:MM:SS format
document.getElementById('digitalTime').textContent = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB');// ANALOG clock// get seconds, minutes and hours (0-12) from the object nowconst seconds = now.getSeconds();const minutes = now.getMinutes();const hours = now.getHours()%12;// convert 24 hours to 12 hours// select the (line) elements for the hands of the analog clock and rotate them according to the values of seconds, minutes and hours// 1 second (360/60 = 6 degrees)
document.getElementById('sec').setAttribute('transform',`rotate(${seconds *6}, 150, 150)`);// 1 minute (= 6 degrees)
document.getElementById('min').setAttribute('transform',`rotate(${minutes *6}, 150, 150)`);// 1 hour (360/12 = 30 degrees) + .5 degrees for every minute (every 60 minutes an additional 30 degrees)
document.getElementById('hour').setAttribute('transform',`rotate(${hours *30+ minutes *0.5}, 150, 150)`);}clock();// start clock() immediatelysetInterval(clock,1000);// execute clock() repeatedly (every second = 1000ms)
Open es6/timing/reaction.html and es6/timing/reaction.js
<style>#block{position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 10000;width: 50px;height: 50px;background-color:rgba(122, 210, 83, 0.8);cursor: pointer;}</style></head><body>
<divid="block"></div><divclass="border-gray"><p>Click on the green box as quickly as you can. Your reaction time will be posted below:</p><p>Your Reaction Time is: <bid="reaction"></b></p></div>
// max left position of #block: screen width - width of the blocklet maxLeftPosition = window.innerWidth -50;let maxTopPosition = window.innerHeight -50;// start the timerlet timer =newDate();const block = document.getElementById('block');
block.addEventListener('click',function(){// calculate the time between block shown and block clicked
document.getElementById('reaction').textContent =`${(newDate()- timer)/1000} sec`;// hide the block ='none';// move the block to a random position =`${maxLeftPosition * Math.random()}px`; =`${maxTopPosition * Math.random()}px`;// wait between 2 and 5 seconds to show the block at the new positionconst waitTime =(Math.random()*3+2)*1000;setTimeout(function(){// show the block and restart the timer ='block';// reset the start time
timer =newDate();}, waitTime);});// add event listener on resizing the screen
window.addEventListener('resize',function(e){// recalculate maxLeftPosition and maxTopPosition
maxLeftPosition = window.innerWidth -50;
maxTopPosition = window.innerHeight -50;
console.log('maxLeftPosition', maxLeftPosition,'maxTopPosition', maxTopPosition);// move the block to the top left corner and restart the timer ='block'; ='0px'; ='0px';
timer =newDate();});